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I am Fernando van Loenhout
A Full stack developer!


Tag bare bones


React bare bones setup

This article has been posted under the following categories: blog, tech-demo, react, webpack, bare-bones and from-scratch

When you start with React, it is common that you just start a project with the CRA tool. While this quickly makes a project, it also does lots of magic in the background to make it work. For learning purposes, it can be better to write your own configuration to build a react application.

Very simple setup

It is possible to use the ReactJS framework without using any transpilers. For this, make a new directory for our project and make a index.html file containing the following content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My React app</title>
        <script src="react.development.js"></script>
        <script type="module" src="/main.js"></script>